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Washington Township Police Department Crime Brief

Hello Town Watch members and concerned citizens,

Thanks to everyone who participated in Operation Medicine Cabinet on November 14. Our township had collected the most prescription drugs (expired or overage) in Gloucester County. These drugs will be destroyed and will not end up in the wrong hands nor pollute our water or environment. More importantly, there is some criminal activity information I want to disseminate to the community so please forward this information.

First, there has been several bottle bombs incidents that have been reported with the last few months. These homemade bombs are made usually with a plastic soda bottle with common household chemicals. When combined in the bottles, it creates a gas which eventually explodes causing injury or damage. If you happen to encounter this bomb type, please consider it to be dangerous so keep a safe distance and call police. If anyone has any information or leads to who is responsible for the bottle bombs please contact me and it can be anonymous. Please advise your children as well of these occurrences.

Secondly, solicitors have increased in the area from construction projects to raking leaves. A few of these solicitors have been recently arrested for committing daytime burglaries to single family homes. Please notify police for any suspicious solicitors immediately. These solicitors are required to register with the township and have a permit in their possession.

Lastly, the holidays have arrived. I am providing you with Holiday safety Tips that were compiled by the Washington Township Community Response Unit, to contribute to the safety and security of people during the holiday season. The holiday season is always a special time of year. It is also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime. We can never be too careful, too prepared or too aware. Please share this information with family, friends and neighbors.


Automated Teller Machine (ATM)



At Home

Strangers at Your Door

Hosting a Party

Attending a Party

The Washington Township Police Department wishes you a safe, happy and peaceful holiday season. Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact our unit at anytime.


Sergeant Bill Lee #1094
Washington Twp Police Dept.
1 McClure Drive
Sewell, NJ 08080
Phone# 856-589-8594
Fax: 856-589-7432